Why Some Good Old-Fashioned Lusting Over A Man, You Can’t Have Never Hurt Anybody

But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart…

Julz Cukrov
8 min readDec 27, 2019
Photo by Greg Raines on Unsplash

“If it is the dirty element that gives pleasure to the act of lust, then the dirtier it is, the more pleasurable it is bound to be.” — Marquis de Sade

Yes, ladies, we have undoubtedly experienced this on many occasions. Unquenchable sexual desire. Otherwise known as lust baby. For that man pumping iron at the gym. For the man in the bar, we are eyeing off hungrily. For the co-worker, we have gotten just a little bit too familiar with. Oh, dear God, for that fine specimen walking along the beach…

He who then becomes eroticised in our subjective fantasies. He whom we perceive is mutually attracted to us before logic has acquired facts like is he available or is he attached? For he gave you “the eyes” and his body language emanated he wanted you in bed. All the certainty you need quite frankly.

You know all of this to be true because like a woman possessed, you’ve been googling male body language signs synonymous with sexual attraction. You’re convinced that even though he hasn’t verbally told you he “wants you” his body language pretty much said so. You see men can deny their true feelings all they want to a woman, but their bodies never lie. And thank god for small miracles.

The two of you start getting obscenely close. Start joking more. Start laughing more. Start teasing each other more. Start looking at each other more. You won’t give him the satisfaction of telling him you “want him,” though. That’s his job. You’ll damn well wait until he cracks. Until he caves in. Until he purges his soul and tells you, I need you, and I want you

But you never anticipated the alternative of not being able to have him now, did you?

No, you did not…And just like that it casually slips out one day after a few too many champagnes. As if you should have known this was the case all along. Your cold hard dose of reality baby. He’s taken. Firmly ensconced. “Off the market.” Even though he overtly gave you the impression, he was firmly on the market. His eyes always all over you. The flirting. The teasing. His body language…WTF???!!!

Your Romeo and Juliet moment. If you had a revolver, you would probably point it at your temple right now and put yourself out of your idiotic misery.

The old adage, men, are arseholes has never been more accurate.

Fuck him!!!

But you see the thing is you still very much want to fuck him. Perhaps even more so now that you know, he will never be yours.

Delighting in the seeming illicitness of it all…

Forever to remain as masturbatory material in your subjective fantasy only and nobody can take that away from you.

The object of your lusting obtainable through the ecstasy of your own creative act. Fantasies about your desire for him allow you to get your rocks off and are incredibly self-fulfilling and hey the orgasms are still real! You’re practically an Oscar-Winning actress now that you’ve got this method-acting-pretend-thing down pat.

But the question remains inside your head;

Why do men give out mixed messages to women when they are already attached?

“Eye raping” you whenever you two are near one another. Practically frothing at the mouth when he runs his eyes over your body resting on your juiciest bits. Your boobs, your butt, your luscious hips and thighs. The attraction is indeed attractive. Women love to be lusted over by men. It turns us on. And the more turned on we are, the more lusted over we want to be. We just can’t get enough.

God damn it, you prick!

Just as you were starting to get familiar and more comfortable with one other. He monumentally fucks it all up by uttering “her” whose name you never wish to hear again. You still have no idea if she’s his wife or his de-facto or whatever the hell she is. Irrelevant, but still, you’re curious nonetheless. The fact is he is unavailable acting like he was available…So much for your razor-sharp intuition. You’ve failed spectacularly. Well done you!!!

Men truly are wretched human beings.

Thank god for lust and if lust is all we have to have that which is unattainable then so be it!

May we all lust prolifically…

#1. Lusting Is Perfectly Normal When It Comes To Desire:

Photo by ian dooley on Unsplash

There’s nothing wrong with a bit of old-fashioned lust. Let’s not deny the fact we humans are motivated by our desires. Desire can be potent. Desire can be insatiable. Deserving of recognition despite its supposed “unnaturalness.” Desire can be recalibrated, replaced and eventually erased over time. Desire isn’t impermeable. Desire is transgressive as it is thoroughly excessive.

“A sort of meta-naturalism properly denies the natural. And this denial applies even to the drives we have genetically: our urges for sex and food and violence. Even these are capable of formation, reformation and deformation to the point of their own erasure.” “Desire never seeks anything, exactly; it always seeks something in particular.”

We, lust-ridden woman, categorised as the “something” to be pursued when it involves men and their desirability.


“sexual desire does not find rest in procreation and loving intimacy. If it did, there would be no adulterers, no pornography, and very little romantic poetry.”

In other words, if we couldn’t resort to lust when it comes to the object of our desire or the eroticised other, the world would be sexually lacklustre. And fuck that.

It’s the wanting of the unobtainable in the most insatiable of ways that drive the most potent elements of sexual desire. If we couldn’t express desire in such limitlessly gratifying ways, life wouldn’t be worth living. The culture we have been both conditioned in and exposed to perambulates around;

“human desire for things and experiences we do not have.”

So, lust away ladies because lust is intrinsic to the human condition.

Let the dear old bible tell you otherwise…

#2. Men May Lie But, Their Bodies Don’t:

Photo by Sebastián León Prado on Unsplash

If you want to know if a man is sexually attracted to you or not, start tuning in to his body language. Forget verbal semantics. It’s all in the language of men’s bodies. While he may be trying to hide his attraction to you (for whatever reason), his body will tell you the “real story.” Men’s bodies don’t lie. So, even if he’s technically “off the market” but exhibiting “I-want-you-via-body-language-baby,” he’s totally into you, and he knows it too.

Body language vibes that are testimony to sexual attraction from a man include:

Prolonged eye contact. If he is giving you “the eyes” and practically “eye raping” you and you find yourselves staring at each other for longer than usual, he’s definitely into you. Eyes are the windows to the soul. The ultimate truth-tellers in mutual desire and attraction.

He positions his body towards you, points his feet towards you or mirrors your gestures. Men are predictable creatures in the sense that they will unconsciously gravitate their bodies towards the thing they are attracted to and give it their undivided attention. They will also point their feet in the direction of a woman they are attracted to. If he’s also facing you front on and starting to imitate your gestures, he’s enamoured with you no doubt about it.

He touches his face a helluva lot around you. A bit of a weird one. But, if a man is frequently touching his face, rubbing his chin, touching his ears or his lips or even his hair in your presence, he is grooming in an auto-erotic way. Meaning, he is thinking about what he would like to do with you sexually, in terms of how he would like to touch you and you to touch him back.

He gives you big toothy smiles, laughs at your jokes or playfully teases you. A dead giveaway a man is attracted to you. Especially if he goes out of his way to wind you up and knows you can give him as good as he gives in the teasing department. And, if he is always smiling around you (I’m talking his whole face lights up like a moonbeam), and he thinks your jokes are the ducks-nuts he wants you, baby.

#3. Men Are Enigmatic When They Are Sexually Attracted:

Photo by Drew Hays on Unsplash

Men aren’t good at verbalising their feelings when they find themselves attracted to a particular woman. It’s just not part of their DNA to be completely transparent when it comes to “feelings.” Which is why paying attention to male body language is crucial especially if you want some kind of acknowledgment that he wants to get in your pants.

His body will tell you rather than his voice box.

If you’re getting positive body language vibes that he’s into you, this is indeed the climactic point when;

“attraction [becomes] fantastically attractive. Especially when it is [oh-so] power[fully] mutual. Attraction can provide a link to another human so irresistible that it feels like enchantment, one that renders all other needs and duties oddly meaningless, tiresome and irrelevant.”

#4. Women Want A Taste Of The Forbidden Fruit:

Photo by Matheus Ferrero on Unsplash

You can’t help who you’re drawn to. So, when you discover that he’s in fact “taken” it stirs something within to want to keep persevering to obtain the very thing you just can’t have which is killing you.

Why this fixation on wanting a taste of the forbidden fruit?

Why does pursuing something illicit entice adrenaline-pumping excitement for a woman where an unattainable man is concerned?

Anthropologist Helen Fisher claims;

“levels of dopamine — the pleasure chemical in the brain — continue to rise the longer you must wait to fulfil your desire. So, in other words, your experience with someone is ultimately more pleasurable if you have to hold out.”

Yes, ladies, what a tangled and unfulfilling web we weave when we play a game of attraction with a man we cannot have in an objective sense.

Ah, but lust ladies, lust is our saving grace when all is rendered hopelessly unattainable.

Anything and everything is possible in our subjective fantasies when it comes to the men we so desperately need, want and desire.

Photo by Shot by Cerqueira on Unsplash



Julz Cukrov

A Mover And A Shaker, Not A Faker. Enamoured by all things literarily different. A lover of boundary-pushing. A despiser of sugar-coating. Seeker of the truth.